I made some of these for Colin's car seat so the straps don't dig into his neck. I have bought some before, for Cali, but decided to try making some. They were super easy! These are exactly like Colin's, but I made these for my nephew Aaron
While I was at it, I whipped some up for my sister's little girl Brynn also. I don't think these are as cute just because they were made out of fabric I just had laying around.
These were super fun and easy to make up, but if you don't want to make any, I originally ordered some for Cali from The Pitter Patter Boutique
September 2010
Cami - I finally looked up your blog and have spent probably the last hour looking at and enjoying all the things you have made. Do you want to back to work?? You have so much creative ability and are the cutest wife, mother, sewer, decorator, etc. etc. I am definitely impressed! Your house is so cute. How is your craft/sewing room coming? You deserve to have one of those!