This is a super fun and cute
Spring craft! I found the idea on! It includes a full tutorial! She has a wonderful
crafty site I visit often!

I did this craft with a group of
girlfriends I live by, and we had a blast making it together! First, I found the board at Michael's and painted it
green and sanded the edges. Then, on her tutorial, she paints the edges white, then uses a wet rag to wipe most of it off to leave a great
antique look! Love it! We found the same font she used and made the vinly lettering to match (which I don't recommend, unless you use transfer paper, this was pretty much a nightmare with all the small separte pieces). After that, I made sure and
sprayed my board with a clear protective coat of spray paint to protect it and keep the lettering from peeling off. The flowers were a little tricky. The tutorial for the flowers was found on her blog
here. You just have to work and work and work at them until you get a look of flower you like, then mass-produce them. The best part about this flower is it is made with
crepe paper, which alot of people already have on hand from birthday party streamers, so it is soo cheap to make! I also found my wreath at Michael's after I had a hard time finding one 8 in wide, but they had one that was 1/2 inch thick, which made it easier to cover with less flowers!
Yes! Finish it off with a ribbon, which I do have, but it is hard to see in this pic. I used a hot pink satin ribbon that I already had on hand, and just glue it all on! I love how it turned out! This is, by far, one of my most
favorite projects to display! I will look forward to Spring every year! Thanks to all the girls who made this with me, it was a
hootin' good time!