Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Amazing Wonder Box

Meet the Wonder Box! It is my newest addition to my emergency preparedness items
It is made with a heavy cotton fabric and filled with styrafoam beads (the smaller the better it works)

The bottom is made with an area in the middle to place something you would like kept hot or cold

You then put on the top and it acts as an insualtor, so in emergencies you can heat a pot to boiling, place it in the wonder box, and it will then continue to cook while saving your energy of your stove

It was tested and kept a gallon of ice cream still frozen solid after 4 hours. Some people use them daily when transporting a hot dinner or cold treat over a distance, keeping the temperature or keepig it from spilling. Here is a funny view of the inside as the lid was lifted. It is really good at closing up all the gaps so no air can escape

I am proud of my Wonder Box. If anybody is interested in more information or the pattern, let me know!

(May 2011)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Spring Runner

I picked up this kit from Pine Needles in Gardiner Village and threw it together in a quick week-end. It was a little complicated, but I love the look for Spring!

Don't look too close, it is far from perfect haha

Cute little butterfly. That was actually the easy one! Don't be fooled by the easy nature of the innocent flower. It was torturous!

The back was a fun fabric I found that I HAD to have! Isn't it cute?

I love my new Spring table runner! Call me if you want to borrow the pattern!

(May 2011)